A star-in-a-jar CNO fusion reaction on YouTube!
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Sven Andersson
2014-03-04 18:33:39 UTC
I hereby suggest that he following YouTube video "Fusor Generating X-Rays" by clagwell is a demonstration of fusion between protons and nitrogen nuclei, or protons and oxygen nuclei! Here is what's happening: clagwell is slowly adjusting the pressure and voltage of his Fusor (it's filled with air which contains water vapour); increasing the voltage and decreasing the pressure. At a certain point the pressure is so low that the mean free flight path of the charged particles is about as large as the jar itself. Then the charged particles, with an energy of 10-20 keV are smashed into the brass endings, giving off k-alpha radiation (that is, x-ray flourescence) with an energy of around 8 keV, i.e. soft x-rays. Brass is zinc and copper, which both flouresce at around 8 keV.

The soft x-rays can both completely ionize the atomic nitrogen and oxygen ions (they are continously beeing thrown into the "star" region of the hollow cathode), and then by dilating time between adjacent fuel nuclei, induce fusion reactions. The precise dynamics is unknown for now; it could be a two stage reaction. First one photon completely ionizes, say a N2+ atom (atomic nitrogen that has lost two electrons), then another photon induces the fusion between that nucleus and a proton that happens to be nearby, or it all happens in one collision. There are other elements that could be involved in the nuclear reactions; carbon and Argon.

clagwell wanted to build a star in a jar; he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams! A CNO reaction in your basement...

clagwell left the room on the occasion; how wise, otherwise there would be one amateur fusioneer less in this world.
Sven Andersson
2014-03-04 18:39:57 UTC
Post by Sven Andersson
I hereby suggest that he following YouTube video "Fusor Generating X-Rays" by clagwell is a demonstration of fusion between protons and nitrogen nuclei, or protons and oxygen nuclei! Here is what's happening: clagwell is slowly adjusting the pressure and voltage of his Fusor (it's filled with air which contains water vapour); increasing the voltage and decreasing the pressure. At a certain point the pressure is so low that the mean free flight path of the charged particles is about as large as the jar itself. Then the charged particles, with an energy of 10-20 keV are smashed into the brass endings, giving off k-alpha radiation (that is, x-ray flourescence) with an energy of around 8 keV, i.e. soft x-rays. Brass is zinc and copper, which both flouresce at around 8 keV.
The soft x-rays can both completely ionize the atomic nitrogen and oxygen ions (they are continously beeing thrown into the "star" region of the hollow cathode), and then by dilating time between adjacent fuel nuclei, induce fusion reactions. The precise dynamics is unknown for now; it could be a two stage reaction. First one photon completely ionizes, say a N2+ atom (atomic nitrogen that has lost two electrons), then another photon induces the fusion between that nucleus and a proton that happens to be nearby, or it all happens in one collision. There are other elements that could be involved in the nuclear reactions; carbon and Argon.
clagwell wanted to build a star in a jar; he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams! A CNO reaction in your basement...
clagwell left the room on the occasion; how wise, otherwise there would be one amateur fusioneer less in this world.
If you belive in this and want to help (to realize a new type of fusion reactor), even if you only has moral support to offer, contact me!

